Okay so in my class today, Biblical Seminar, we were talking about whether or not it matters if we know the author of a Biblical book.
So my question to you is do we need to know the author of the Biblical texts or does it not really matter? Here is what i think. What i think is that we don't necessarily need to know the author of a Biblical text. The books of the Bible are not meant to be about the ones that are writing it, it suppose to be about the content in the text. I also think though that from a historical aspect we need to know the author and to understand the context of where the writer is coming from it would be helpful to know about the author.
When i read the Bible i go into it reading from a standpoint of wanting to learn and wanting to get closer to God. I am not explicitly interested in knowing about the author when I read the Bible, i read it as truth and the word of God. The authors of the Gospels are actually anonymous if you look into it, besides Matthew but even his is vague. So to me that says that the authors were not concerned with saying who they were but they knew what they were doing and that the importance of there writings was not about them but about Jesus. Paul, however, does acknowledge himself multiple times in his writings but he uses himself and his life as an example of discipleship and honor and glory to God!
So what do you think? Should the author of a text be important to the writings of the text? think about i!!!